Wednesday, October 13, 2010

Control Journal

Dear Diary,

Last night after our trainer left, we worked for a bit on our Control Journal.

(every time I write or say 'control journal', I giggle)

As I mentioned in an earlier entry, part of the reason for TTWD is to create a more organized, peaceful home for BF (and me!).  We found a couple of sites that we're enjoying, one of them is The Fly Lady...and that is where the Control Journal comes from.  You can see that here if you're curious:

These are the baby steps that we're starting with...I like baby steps...I get overwhelmed with big steps.  BF likes baby steps for me, because he wants to see me succeed in this.

On a completely different note, we keep an online calendar to keep track of our childrens' activities, appointments, date nights, etc.  I note that BF has added an entry for maintenance spankings as a recurring appointment on Wednesday and Friday evenings.  How's that for taking control?  I love this man.

Tonight is my first scheduled maintenance spanking.  I hope I can get through the day without being too distracted.



  1. I have been trying to use flylady also; it's pretty helpful. Thanks for your hints that you gave me this morning; I really appreciate your help :) Have fun with maintenance :)

  2. You're very welcome...I wish I knew a better way than just deleting your blog and starting completely over...but that's what I had to do as well (although I was lucky, I had only two posts when I realized)

  3. Great website! I'm going to try it! organizing is my stress too! Thanks devoted princess!
